Author: admin6700
Theo Hakola is a singer/songwriter/musician and novelist born (1954) and raised in Spokane, Washington USA. In 1978 he settled in Paris, France. Producer of Noir Désir's first album and of two Gecko Palace and Les Malpolis bands, inspired writer ("La Valse des affluents", "Sur le volcan"...) and talented photographer, Theo continues his musical career in collaboration with various talented artists under Theo Hakola and the Wobly Ashes.

2023 – expo photos 1974-2000 (Paris)
1974-2017 Guatemala/Mexico/Ohio/NYC/Paris/LA… jeudi/vendredi/samedi (à partir de 20h) jusqu’au 15 juillet CHAIR DE POULE (à l’étage) – 141 rue St Maur Paris 75011 https://www.instagram.com/theohakola/

2023 – expo photos 1974-2000 (Besançon)
12 January to 28 February – Maison pour l’Image et la Photographie – BESANÇON www.instagram.com/theohakola